Sunday, August 21, 2005

Last days

Two photos of the Riviera in its last days. You can notice the boxoffice boarded up. Also the sidewalk in front of the theater which was different from the rest of the sidewalk.

Sunday, August 14, 2005

Riviera ads

Three ads...two from "El Mundo" 1967 newspaper and one "Armentero" from El Mundo 1953.

Sunday, August 07, 2005

About the razing

Article on Puerto Rico's "EL Nuevo Dia" newspaper lamenting the destruction of the Riviera theater.

Crying for the Riviera

Emotional article on Puerto Rico's "El Vocero" newspaper talking about a woman's reaction when she saw the Riviera being destroyed.


Riviera lobby

Photo showing one of the lobby of the Riviera. Wish I could get a better picture, but this will have to do for now.

Riviera in the 1960's

I found this photo in a book discussing architectural design in Puerto Rici in the 2oth century. The Riviera is mentioned as one of the gems of the Art Deco movement in Puerto Rico. Still the government did nothing to save it.