Thursday, July 15, 2010

The Italian Job at the Riviera

Another movie I recall seeing at the Riviera was the now classic heist movie "The Italian Job". For an eight year old this was a perfect movie. Especially the famous car chase featuring Mini cars. Prior to seeing this movie again on DVD that's all I vaguely remembered about this movie.

Seeing it again was quite a nice experience since I can understand perfectly why I loved it as a kid. Contrary to many heist movies such as "The Killing" or "Rififfi" that have a dark side, "The Italian Job" is pure fun. In a way, it could easily have been a Disney movie from the period. Come think of it, this movie was a kind of "Love Bug" with better actors and with Minis instead of VW's.

I must have seen this movie in a double feature at the Riviera since the theater only showed double bills back then. I wish I remembered what movie it was. I guess that it wasn't as memorable to an eight year old as "The Italian Job". Very few things could have been.


Blogger Davsot said...

I linked your website to mine.

3:18 PM  

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